Map Dictionary:
CMD0 - Specifies input and output locations for the command interface
e.g. CMD0=ESI25*ESO20
Unit will look for commands starting at EtherNet/IP input word 25 and send acknowlegement to output word 20
Please distinguish between digit zero "0", and upper-case letter "O".
DFI - DeviceNet Input, regarded as floats
DFO - DeviceNet Output, regarded as floats
DSI - DeviceNet Input, regarded as 16 bit integers
DSO - DeviceNet Output, regarded as 16 bit integers
DII,DIO - DeviceNet Input,Output, regarded as 32 bit integers
DI,DO - DeviceNet boolean input and output
EFI,EFO,ESI,ESO,EII,EIO,EI,EO - Ethernet I/P, similar to DeviceNet
RFI,RFO,RSI,RSO,RII,RIO,RI,RO - RIO. Words 0-63 for block transfer, Words 64-71 for discrete transfer
CFI,CFO,CSI,CSO,CII,CIO,CI,CO - ControlNet - Note: first 2 words of ControlNet output are not available
HSI - Hardy Short Input Table. This table allows the things in HI to be mapped as 16-bit words.
- HSI0 - Digital Input
- HSI0 bit 0 (HI0.0) - Digital Card Input 1
- HSI0 bit 1 (HI0.1) - Digital Card Input 2
- HSI0 bit 2 (HI0.2) - Digital Card Input 3
- HSI0 bit 4 (HI0.4) - User Switch 1
- HSI0 bit 5 (HI0.5) - User Switch 2
- HSI0 bit 6 (HI0.6) - User Switch 3
- HSI1 - Status Word
- HSI1 bit 0 (HI1.0) - A/D Conversion Error
- HIS1 bit 1 (HI1.1) - A/D Failure
- HIS1 bit 3 (HI1.3) - Weight Overrange
- HIS1 bit 7 (HI1.7) - Real Time Clock failure
- HIS1 bit 8 (HI1.8) - SD memory card read failure
- HIS1 bit 9 (HI1.9) - Display error
- HIS1 bit 11 (HI1.11) - SD memory card write failure
- HSI2 - Default Relay Output, as determined by the state machine (can be overridden by mapping HSO4)
- HSI2 bit 0 (HI2.0)ON/OFF relay
- HSI2 bit 1 (HI2.1)Shutoff relay
- HSI2 bit 2 (HI2.2)REC relay
- HSI2 bit 3 (HI2.3)Alarm relay
- HSI2 bit 4 (HI2.4)Refill relay
- HSI3 - State machine operating mode
- 0 = IDLE
- 1 = AUTO
- 2 = MANUAL
- 3 = START
- 4 = STOP
- 6 = PAUSE
- 7 = RATE CAL
- 8 = REFILL
- HSI4 - Rate Status Word
- HSI4 bit 0 (HI4.0) Low Alarm
- HSI4 bit 1 (HI4.1) High Alarm
- HSI4 bit 2 (HI4.2) Control lost
- HSI4 bit 3 (HI4.3) Refill overflow
- HSI4 bit 4 (HI4.4) Not OK to Feed
- HSI4 bit 5 (HI4.5) ON/OFF
- HSI4 bit 6 (HI4.6) Rate Range Error - Rate is below zero, or above MAX RATE
- HSI4 bit 11 (HI4.11) RE- (rate exception condition, low rate)
- HSI4 bit 12 (HI4.12 Batch Complete
- HSI4 bit 13 (HI4.13)Request Refill
- HSI4 bit 14 (HI4.14)REC (rate exception condition)
- HSI4 bit 15 (HI4.15)Shutoff
- HSI5 -Digital input from I/O card. These 5 inputs do not have to be mapped if the parameter Use Default I/O is set to YES. The default functions are listed below.
- HI5.0 Start
- HI5.1 Stop
- HI5.2 Abort
- HI5.3 Force Refill
- HI5.4 Clear Total
- HSI10 -Analog input counts from I/O card
HSO - Hardy Short Output table. This table allows the things in HO to be mapped as 16-bit words.
- HSO0 - Digital Output
- HSO0 bits 0-3 (HO0.0-HO0.3) - Digital Card Output 1-4
- HSO1 - Command Status - value returned after a command (see HSO2) is done. Non-zero status means the command failed.
- Status 1,2 = Calibration failed due to ADC error, or ADC failure
- Status -8 (0xFFF8) = Hard Calibration failed, not enough ADC counts between high and low steps
- Status -6 (0xFFFA) = C2 Calibration failed, no C2 sensors detected
- Status -10 (0xFFF6) = C2 Calibration failed, bad C2 sensors detected
HSO2 - Command Word. Commands are performed on a 1-shot basis when this word changes from 0 to 1. An error code is returned
in the "command status" word HSO1.
- HSO2 bit 0 (HO2.0) - Clear Total
- HSO2 bit 2 (HO2.2) - Hard Cal Low
- HSO2 bit 3 (HO2.3) - Hard Cal High
- HSO2 bit 4 (HO2.4) - C2 Cal
- HSO2 bit 5 (HO2.5) - Write Parameters to SD card
- HSO2 bit 6 (HO2.6) - Print
- HSO2 bit 7 (HO2.7) - Do 2 point Rate Calibration
- HSO2 bit 8 (HO2.8) - Do 5 point Rate Calibration
- HSO2 bit 10 (HO2.10) - Enter Manual Mode
- HSO2 bit 11 (HO2.11) - Exit Manual Mode
- HSO3 - Mapped Switch
- HO3.0 Start
- HO3.1 Stop
- HO3.2 Abort
- HO3.3 Force Refill
- HO3.4 Clear Total
- HO3.5 Print
- HO3.6 Clear Alarm
- HO3.7 Clear Hopper
- HO3.8 Not OK to Feed
- HSO4 - Relay Output- defaulted to the values below, unless re-mapped
- HO4.0 Relay1-ON
- HO4.1 Relay2-SHUTOFF
- HO4.2 Relay3-REC
- HO4.3 Relay4-ALARM
- HO4.4 Relay5-REFILL
JSO Hardy Short Integer Parameters
- JSO1 - Num Averages
- JSO2 - Unit
- JSO3 - Weight Decimal Point
- JSO4 - Wait Time
- JSO5 - Grad Size
- JSO6 - Remote Key
- JSO7 - Auto Refill
- JSO8 - Initial Refill
- JSO9 - Alarm Delay
- JSO10 - REC Time
- JSO11 - REC Shutdown
- JSO13 - Rate Decimal Point
- JSO14 - Param Value MSW
- JSO15 - Param ID MSW
- JSO16 - Remote Setpoint Averages
- JSO17 - Remote Setpoint Enabled
- JSO18 - Remote Setpoint Analog Input Range
- JSO19 - Total Decimal Point
- JSO20 - Gain in Weight
- JSO21 - PrintMode
- JSO22 - Batch Decimal Point
- JSO23 - Ingredient File Number
- JSO24 - ROC Time Base
HFO Hardy Float Parameters
- HFO0..HFO7 - Scratchpad variables
- HFO8 - Max Rate
- HFO12 - Span Weight
- HFO13 - Cal Low Weight
- HFO14 - Scale Capacity
- HFO15 - Remote Setpoint in
- HFO16-19 - Remote Setpoint configuration: RateLow, RateHigh, InputPercentLow, InputPercentHigh
- HFO20-23 - Input to one of 4 channels of analog output card
- HFO24-27 - Analog output channel 1 configuration: Low Value, High Value, OutputVoltsLow, OutputVoltsHigh
- HFO28-31 - Analog output channel 2 configuration: Low Value, High Value, OutputMilliampsLow, OutputMilliampsHigh
- HFO32-35 - Analog output channel 3 configuration: Low Value, High Value, OutputVoltsLow, OutputVoltsHigh
- HFO36-39 - Analog output channel 4 configuration: Low Value, High Value, OutputMilliampsLow, OutputMilliampsHigh
- HFO41-42 - Initial and Final gross weights of a run
- HFO43 - ROC noise
HFI Hardy Float Parameters (read only)
- HFI0 - Gross weight
- HFI1 - OP Output Percent
- HFI2-5 - Analog Output setpoints, calculated from scaling HFO28-31
- HFI6 - Rate of Change, not averaged
- HFI7 - Total
- HFI8 - Batch Total
- HFI9 - Remote Setpoint Value
- HFI10 - ACT (Rate of Change, heavily averaged)
IFO Rate parameters
- IFO0 - Controlled variable, usually rate of change (ROC)
- IFO1 - Rate Setpoint
- IFO2 - PID P
- IFO3 - PID I
- IFO5 - RefillStartWgt
- IFO6 - RefillStopWgt
- IFO7 - RefillOverloadWgt
- IFO8 - RefillLowShutoff
- IFO9 - LowAlarmShutDownRate
- IFO10 - HighAlarmShutDownRate
- IFO11 - Batch Amount
- IFO12 - Batch Preact
- IFO13 - Manual Mode OP
- IFO14 - Remote Setpoint Graduation
- WII0 - A/D convertor raw counts
- WII1 - A/D convertor average counts
- WII2 - A/D running count