Analog Output in the 4000
The analog output card has 4 channels. Channels 1 and 3 produce a 0-10 volt output, and
channels 2 and 4 produce a 0-20 milliamp output.
The analog output card's values are set in MAPPING via the symbols HFO20, HFO21, HFO22, and HFO23.
These values are scaled according to the following rules:
If the value is less than the Low Value, the analog output is set to V (or I) Low.
If the value is greater than the High Value, the analog output is set to V (or I) High.
Otherwise, the output is "V (I) Low" + (Setpoint - "Low Value")*("V(I) High"-"V(I) Low")/("High Value" - "Low Value")
The result of the output scaling is available via the MAPPING symbols HFI2,HFI3,HFI4, and HFI5